Hey everyone! So if you didn't already know, Ryler made his grand entrance on December 17th at 8:01pm!

I was scheduled to be induced on Monday December 20th at 8:00pm. Chris and I had so many plans for the weekend before the induction to get some last minute things together before Ryler came into this world. Well, he had other plans. This is how Ryler planned his arrival:
At about 6:00am (5:58am to be exact) my water broke while I was asleep. Chris was coming in to kiss me good bye before going to work when I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. Chris thought it was just Ryler sitting on my bladder again. Soon after, I yelled for Chris to call the doctor and tell her my water had broke. The doctor said to come in to the hospital. So we got together all of our things, I showered, and we were on our way!
We got to the hospital around 7:00am. Where they confirmed that it was in fact my water that broke, they admitted me, and we got a labor and delivery room (room 9).

I was still at 1 1/2cm, so they gave it an hour to see if I would progress on my own. Unfortunately, I didn't, so the doctor started a Oxytocin drip at 9:00am. I was not having any contraction that I could feel and was doing great!

The doctor came in and said, "Unfortunately, you are feeling way too good. We will start upping your pitocin". And they did! By 11:05 the contractions were in full swing, and I began to understand that 1 to 10 scale in a whole new way. At 11:25 I was given a muscle relaxer which did help me to relax, but didn't help the pain.

At 12:30, the pain is at a strong 10+ and I
asked begged for an epidural. The doctor checked and I was only at 2cm. She would not give an epidural until I was at least at 4cm. So they gave me Demerol and Finnegan, which did absolutely nothing for the pain of the contraction, but did help me sleep through the minutes in between.
At 2:20pm I was finally able to get the epidural. My blood pressure dropped really low (58/60) and I got horrible sick (Ryler was just fine through this whole thing). Once they fixed all of my issues, I was feeling much better and able to rest. After they gave me the epidural things starting moving really fast! At 2:45 5cm, 4:30 9cm, 5:01 10cm, and finally at 5:20 I started to push.
After a long three hours of pushing, at 8:01 the doctor placed my beautiful baby boy on my stomach. He came out very alert. The doctor roughed him up a bit to get him to cry for the crowd of friends and family listening at the door!

It was the most amazing thing I have ever been a part of!! He was then weighed and measured (6lbs. 15oz. and 20in).

Chris brought him to me after, and I nursed him while we got to really meet our newest member of the family!

Once the doctor was finished and I was done nursing, all of those fans waiting outside the door were let in to meet Ryler for the first time! I'm so glad Ryler has so many close friends and family that love him!

Dad took him to the nursery (with a quick stop to play the new born lullaby announcer) and then they took me to our new room (215 on 2East).

After the nursery was done they brought Ryler to our room (complete with
mohawk super stylish hair that the nurses just loved) where he nursed again, and dad got to change his first dirty diaper. Then it was down for the night.

It was a super long day but I wouldn't change anything! It was the best experience and we can't wait to grow and learn with Ryler! Thank you to all our friends and family for their love and support through this whole journey. Now a new journey begins!!!