Soooo…. It’s been a while since I’ve updated my blog. School started on August 12th and the beginning of school is always very hectic! However, this semester I have a student teacher which has been very helpful! Thanks Katie!!

*This picture was taken last week for the UL’s “Wear Red Day.” This is all of the students and faculty at Broadmoor. The fire truck from the station next door came over to lift our photographer into the air for this great picture!!Chris, Ryler, and I are doing well! Ryler is really moving and kicking up a storm now. He is awake and moving around about every two hours. He does NOT like loud noises!! At school, if I’m standing too close to the bell and it rings, he jumps and flips and flops until it stops ringing…..too cute!! He has also been listening to the classics like Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, etc… every night and he seems to really like that. He’s usually kicking around when I go to bed and when I put the music on he settles down. Hopefully that happens when he’s out of the womb too…lol!!
Also, Chris and I have started taking Lamaze classes together! We really love them….yes, I said we. Mrs. Lenette teaches them at a birthing center, Gentle Choices. She is a great instructor/midwife and only 4 other couples are in the class. It’s not the Lamaze classes you see on TV where they teach you to Hoohooo, heeheeeee, hoohoo, heehee…. It’s more just general education on birth, labor, breastfeeding, etc. The first class we learned different techniques, so I would be able to handle the pain at home instead of spending so much time in the hospital. Chris did the most work at this class… He learned different massage techniques to make me feel more comfortable and calm during labor. By far, the cheapest massage you can get and a really great one too!! Next week is Hypno-birthing……?? I’ll let you know what that’s all about next blog!!