It has been a little over a month since I last posted and a lot has happened!
Ryler is mobile! At 3 1/2 months he started rolling from front to back and it didn't take him long to figure out how to go back to front. If left on the floor, he can roll all around the room. Mostly he rolls to whichever corner of the room his best friend, Dixie, is in. Dixie, however, is still very unsure about that little talking moving thing that is now forever rolling toward her. I think she's still wondering when we are going to bring him to back.
He went to his 4 month check up and is doing great. The doctor is very impressed with how strong he is. She was so impressed that she sat him up to see if he could sit on his own, and to my disbelief he sat up by himself for 5 sec. (His next big milestone is to sit up by himself for 10 sec.) We were both amazed.
Ryler has also started solids! We started with carrots b/c he has been on cereal for about 3 weeks to help him gain weight. He made some funny faces, which makes me think baby food carrots taste worse then the roto-virus vaccine, but he sure did gobble it down!

In other awesome news, Ryler and I were part of a Guinness World Record a couple weeks ago. The record was for the most CLOTH diapers changed simultaneously and we were one of over 5000 parent/baby couples around the world that participated in this event. It was so much fun! If you have children in diapers you should give modern cloth diapers a chance! It's not your grandma's cloth diapers anymore!!

Get Ready, Get Set.....Change that Diaper!!
Easter was a fun filled time with a lot of first for Ryler! It was a very tiring weekend for a 4 month old though. Some of his first Easter weekend included: setting a world record, a crawfish boil, Easter with the Mahler's, Easter with the Billeaud's, Easter with the Oertling's, and going to the beach. My favorite of all was seeing his little eyes light up when we stuck his feet in the sand. He didn't mind it at all though. He just curled his little monkey toes up and smiled.