Something in the parenting book I'm reading really interested me! The book, On Becoming Babywise, says, "A child inherits 1/2 of his genetic self from his 2 parents, 1/4 of his characteristics from his grandparents, and 1/8 of his distictiveness from the great-grand parents". This statement got me thinking, and researching!! We went to our parents and grandparents and sifted through old pictures. We had a blast in the process hearing all the stories that they all shared! I love hearing the stories of how things "used to be".
While looking through the pictures I decided to do a blog on the likeness of Ryler to his immediate family and I thought it would be fun to make it a vote. So check out the pictures and vote for the relative you think Ryler looks most like!! I can't wait to see what you guys think!!