Monday, June 21, 2010

Heartbeats, Rings, and Pee…..Oh Boy!...or Girl?

I have noticed several interesting things about pregnancy and other people. One is there are two very important questions that everyone will ask when they find out your pregnant (or every time they see you). 1. When are you due? 2. What is the sex? My answer to the 2nd question is always, I’ll find out sometime in July.

Well, we scheduled our gender ultrasound for July 9th. We are so excited and can hardly wait. There are so many different old wives tales to “tell” if the baby is a boy or a girl. For fun Chris and I have tried most of them out.

We started with the heartbeat! When my Grandmother heard the heartbeat was 116bpm she said, “oh? it’s a boy”. However, the next two visits the heartbeat was 172bpm, then 155bpm, which really threw her for a loop. So I’m pretty sure she doesn’t know what to think now… Supposedly if the heartbeat is slow it’s a boy, if fast it’s a girl. Hear it for yourself below...

Next we tried the ring test. This was another popular one that people were telling us to try. For this test we had to hang Chris’ ring from a strand of my hair (lol….as I’m typing this I’m laughing at how silly it is!!) and dangle it above my belly. If the ring spins it’s a girl, if it swings it’s a boy. And according to the reliable ring test it’s a boy!

Then a very excited Nanny (Tina) bought us an intelli-gender test. This is a kit that you can get at any convenient store. There are several confusing steps which include hopping backward five times, then jumping on one foot while singing the ABC’s (the usual pee test :o) and we had to check the website to match the color in order to tell if it was a boy or girl. This super accurate kit said…..Girl.

Another fan favorite is the Chinese Calendar Test. Some people swear by this one. This chart is said by the website to have been buried in a tomb near Beijing for 700 years (which obviously proves it’s accuracy) and is said to be, “incredibly accurate”. So in this chart you look up the age of the mother and the month of conception and match it up for M or F. This “incredibly accurate” predictor says it’s a Boy.

So there you have it………..we still don’t know what it is but we will on July 9th. I thought it would be fun to do a little poll based on the very intensive studies shown above and your gut feelings. What do you think this baby will be boy? Or girl? Be sure to use the Gender Poll, to the right of the blog, to place your vote!

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